Wild Foraged Stinging Nettles

Meadows and More


4 oz

You best be careful when handling this plant! Stinging nettles are so named because when raw, they have tiny little hairs on them that can “sting” you, leaving you itchy. BUT, the prep required to make these greens edible is so worth it because of their super dense nutritional value. Use gloves to be safe when handling, and NEVER eat them raw. Run the nettles through a quick blanch process, lay them out to wilt, or sauté them to neutralize the miniscule needles and release all those vitamins and minerals those hairs were guarding. Nettles are a great stand-in for cooked spinach. Add to a rice mix; put some pizzazz into a frittata; or layer into Spanakopita. Cooked nettles also pair nicely with pine nuts and make a super tasty pesto for pasta or a sandwich spread.

Come in a plastic bag for protection.


Sustainably Foraged

Meadows and More

Hunterdon County, NJ

Meadows and More is a nonprofit organization based in Hunterdon County, NJ that focuses on promoting sustainable land use and conservation of natural habitats. They work to increase awareness of the importance of native plants and their benefits to local ecosystems. Meadows and More also provides education and resources for landowners, farmers, and gardeners on how to restore and manage their land in an ecologically sound manner. The organization advocates for sustainable agriculture practices that benefit both the environment and local communities. Meadows and More is committed to the preservation of natural habitats and the biodiversity that they support.

Wear gloves when handling; do not eat raw. Store in bag in crisper drawer for up to 3 days.