Spring Garlic

Eagle Road Farm


1 bunch

Also known as "green garlic"! Mellow and fresh, green garlic is essentially the baby version of the mature garlic we know and love. Less spicy and pungent than its mature counterpart, this young allium is sure to liven up your spring dishes. With one stalk of green garlic roughly equivalent to one clove of mature garlic, you can use it as a substitute to freshen up your dishes. Similar to green onions or scallions, you can use them raw to make dressings or top off your dish for a zip of fresh flavor.



Eagle Road Farm

Quarryville, PA

This small farm takes root in the fertile soil of Lancaster County, PA. Using Integrated Pest Management, Eagle Road Farm takes care to control the health of their produce by using primarily natural, biological means to eliminate pests from their farm. This is accomplished through various methods such as pest habitat manipulation, growing of resistant crops, and cultural/agricultural shifts that make the crops a naturally more inhospitable place for those pesky little critters while making the farmland richer overall. Pesticides are used rarely if ever and only applied if all other means of pest management have failed and there is a temporary, overwhelming outbreak. These exceptional treatments and materials are selected with the utmost care to ensure as minimal an effect as possible on human health, beneficial plants and organisms, and the environment.