The Honeybee Shoppe has approx. 500 colonies of bees and produces around 40,000 lbs of honey a year. Their honeybees pollinate wildflowers particularly goldenrod to produce this unfiltered Lancaster County, wildflower honey. Raw, unfiltered honey.

The Honeybee Shoppe
Manheim, PA
The Honeybee Shoppe was started by Tim Miller and his family not long after he started his first hive in 1994. Tim’s fascination soon developed into a workforce of 500 hives, providing varieties of honey for The Honeybee Shoppe in Manheim, PA. During the summer months, the hives pollinate orchards and crops at over 50 different locations in Lancaster County. By early September, Tim has the hives taken to Tioga County in Northern Central Pennsylvania, where the dense, mountainous forest provides cooler temperatures for the honeybees. Here, the honeybees pollinate wildflowers — particularly goldenrod — to produce their unfiltered Wildflower Honey.
Keep in cool dry place.
100% pure, raw and unfiltered honey.