Denver Steak

Happy Valley Meat Company


6 - 8 oz

Great for grilling, sautéing, or pan-roasting, Denver steaks are known for their excellent marbling and beefy flavor. This steak is best cooked over high heat to avoid over-cooking and must be sliced against the grain for maximum tenderness just like skirt or flank steaks.

Happy Valley Meat Co. partners with small-scale, family farmers in Pennsylvania who raise their animals according to their rigorous standards in order to help farms reach a broader market. In order to increase transparency for our farm partners, meat ordered through Happy Valley Partners sometimes has a specific farmer's name and label. Because the farms they work with are very small, we're unable to offer a consistent supply of specific cuts, but all meet the same standards of quality, sustainability, and animal welfare.

Delivered frozen.

Happy Valley Meat Company

State College, PA

Happy Valley Meat Company's mission is to improve the lives of the people and animals that feed us. They work to provide both professional and at-home chefs access to ethically-raised meat from family farmers. They purchase whole animals from farmers, work with small-scale processors to portion their meat, and sell every single part of the animal to people who want it. The central focus of Happy Valley's program is on animal welfare. They've partnered with the ASPCA to build out strict rearing guidelines for their farmers to follow. The animals eat grass their entire life, but are given some grains towards the end to increase marbling--the fat that makes meat juicy and flavorful. When most people ask for grass fed, we think they mean they want meat from animals that lived good lives, and Happy Valley farmers ensure just that. As a certified B Corp, they do their best to work better. They consider the impact their work has on their partners, employees, the community, and the environment. Their farmers are paid a significant and fixed premium over commodity prices for humanely raised animals. This ensures better lives for farmers, a better ecosystem for animals, and better food for all.

Keep frozen until ready to use. Defrost in the fridge and cook within 2 days.